The building is located in Rancho Viejo / Clark in Las Vegas, NV.

Based on Redfin's Las Vegas data, we estimate the home's value is 488,966. 4701 Jasper Rock Court, Las Vegas, NV 89147: sales, floorplans, and property records. This home is currently off market - it last sold on Novemfor 180,000. Is there a record of past sales for the home located at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The most recent transaction involving a house at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV occurred in 2002 year for a price of $252,000. 4712 Jasper Rock Ct is a 1,950 square foot house on a 5,663 square foot lot with 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. What is the architectural style or type of the house located at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The property located at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV is classified as a Single Family residential dwelling. What is the bathroom count in the house located at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The house situated at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV includes a total of 3 baths bathrooms. What is the size of the house located at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The house situated at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV has a floor area of 3,079 square feet What is the number of bedrooms in the house located at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The house situated at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV features a total of 5 beds bedrooms. Have there been any fire-related events in close proximity to the house located at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The most recent fire incident involving the house at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV occurred in 2004.FAQ When was the house located at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV completed? The house situated at 4702 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV was completed in 1995. Places near W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV, USA: 8710 Villa Ariel Ln Las Vegas, NV, USA 9343 W Viking Rd 9343 W Viking Rd Camden Bridge St, Las Vegas, NV, USA 8815 La Manga Ave 8501 W University Ave 3451 S Riley St 8820 Jewel Ridge Ave 9328 Scenic Mountain Ln The Cliffs At Peace Canyon 4701 Jasper Rock Ct 9975 Peace Way 3311 Biscayne Bay Dr West. Is there a record of past sales for the home located at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The most recent transaction involving a house at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV occurred in 2009 year for a price of $530,000. What is the architectural style or type of the house located at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The property located at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV is classified as a Single Family Residential residential dwelling.

What is the bathroom count in the house located at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The house situated at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV includes a total of 3 baths bathrooms.

Beautifully remodeled home in Southwest near Spanish Trails. What is the number of bedrooms in the house located at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV? The house situated at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV features a total of 4 beds bedrooms. house located at 4721 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV 89147 sold for 340,000 on Mar 14, 2016. FAQ When was the house located at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV completed? The house situated at 4711 Jasper Rock Ct, Las Vegas, NV was completed in 1995.